Friday, December 18, 2015

Chappie Says "My God is the Onliest Only God--Not Yourn!"

Apparently there is a looming question in the minds of some people in this world concerning the identity of The Deity, the MONO THEO. It seems that evangelicals at prestigious Wheaton College in Illinois ( one-time bastion of abolitionism) have fired a "Christian" teacher for asserting that her God is the same as "Allah" (and one imagines "JaWeH") by virtue of the three sharing religious texts. What a concept! Identity politics gone ape.  Imagine if MY Barack Obama was the same as the "Barack Obama" of my Republican friend who loathes and despises HIS Red Obama? By the way I am very attached to my Obama.

  Red Obama

                   Blue Obama (the REAL Obama)

Why have I turned a discussion about God into one about Barack Obama? Well, there's no pitchers of God, and I gots to have pitchers on my blog to atone for my lack of content, so Obama is the next best thing, right?

Have I just raised the issue of RELATIVISM?  Oh, NO!

Can it be that we are discussing different SUNS? Or different AMERICAS? Was MY mother the same as my brother's mother? Not to hear him tell it... Every election we hear knuckleheads (I used the term endearingly) of different stripes demanding to to take back THEIR country. Doofuses all. That's MY country they're talking about, and I don't want it back now that the top .001% own most of it--I'm priced out.

It should be a truism that when there is ONLY ONE of something and it is INVISIBLE as well as indivisible and otherwise intangible and occupies the same role in the lives of many people, that there is only one and the problem is that people have differing ideas of Him. Or HER? Or IT? Are people rendered so dippy by their fear and gratuitous bigotry that they will take away someone's employment? I guess so.

Remember WHEATON COLLEGE. They have some 'splainin' to do. Give them a wide berth...

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