Monday, June 6, 2016

Chappie says Five Months is a Long Time to Maintain a Tantrum...

Since the possibility that Donald Trump's creepy, fool-evil politics could find enough soulless adherents to gain traction and the Republican presidential nomination has become reality, it has been on Chappie's mind that Trump might do a belated Sherman when he realizes what he's facing if elected. Chappie doesn't think Trump will make it to November.

He's barely going through the motions now, though the endless and ever-burgeoning flood of racist, nationalist bluster makes him seem alive. He's campaigning in California where's he's guaranteed to win the primary and where he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning in November, but he's doing it because he likes it out here--or he liked it before he had stimulated 70% of the population to loathe him. Trump ain't going to make it to election day.

If elected, Trump would likely perish in office, overwhelmed by the many forms of resistance to his asinine antics. Anyone who remembers how lost George Bush & CO were before 09/11/2001 gave them something to do that they could (mis)understand, Bush 43 was a dead man walking. A one-term president in the making. With Trump, the possibly first 100 days is difficult to imagine, but the SCOTUS might suddenly have a 6-2 adult majority with Thomas and remaining the Italian guy in the asinine minority. So, what if the asinine antics ceased? What if a new DT appeared, sober, thoughtful and deliberate? Sober? Trump doesn't drink! Maybe that's his problem? He's suffering some sort of negative alcoholism? But no, the antics can't cease until Death settles on The Donald, like the vast hand of vice-principal Petrovsky settling on young Donald's disruptive shoulder? The boy's asinine antics can't be replaced--there's nothing behind them, Folks. Two dimensions.

The desire to be POTUS betokens a level of insanity in a "normal" human being. Insane as in "insane love"--love of country, a willingness to sacrifice one's privacy and one's family's privacy for the greater good: public service. There's no indication that Donald Trump can conceive of any good greater than his own or any service other than the "self" kind. This is not a partisan statement from someone who has loathed Donald Trump for 35 years--this is a true statement and will be borne out.

Trump is not normal, but he's also not above normal. He's different--he's incomplete as a human being. All the plastic wives and all the kids prove exactly nothing. Sperm is as common as motor oil. There are rickshaw drivers in Rawalpindi with as many wives and more children who are far better men than DT. These are men you could drink with if they weren't Muslims--hell, some of them probably will drink with you. Trump is a man who never became anyone other than the caricature he developed for public consumption as a teenager--he's still a teenager between the ears.

Trump's adherents will be surprised when they find out what's behind the man's surface. The revelation will be "not much." Americans, with our over-emphasis on and respect for juvenile values (what other country could take high school and college team sports as seriously as we do--or even HAVE such sports?) have a tradition of creating boy-men. I often feel like one myself.

So wait and see--the Great Trump Meltdown: Chappie predicts that sometime about the middle of October, The Donald will announce that he is taking all his marbles and going home, that America won't have Donald Nutjob to kick around anymore....

Just four months to go.

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