Friday, November 6, 2015

Chappie Says Ben Carson is So Wrong He's HALF RIGHT about the Pyramid!

Chappie knows it's hardly fair or helpful to join in the fray when someone has exposed himself as Ben Carson has on...let's see...the issue of the pyramids of ancient Egypt being constructed by Joseph son of Jacob as grain storage facilities? That's the one. Carson's religious faith tells him this must be true. Many folks snicker. Chappie, you see, laughed too because he thinks he is smarter than Ben, who has left his metaphorical fly unzipped, thus exposing himself to ridicule. In all fairness: Chappie has mistakenly left his fly open in the non-metaphorical sense--in front of a classroom full of students, no less! The best response would be to tell Ben (in a low voice so no one else can hear) "Be careful when you zip up, Doc, so you don't catch your thingy in the zipper!"  The plain fact is that even if Ben DID snag himself in that zipper, he'd probably emit little more than a low moan. He's a stoic, that Ben. All guts and thought-control.

The aforementioned "cheap shot" that I have taken at Ben is actually the remark I'm about to make as he's reeling from the effects of a particularly troubling bit of silliness: his "personal theory" about the pyramids of Egypt being built by Joseph to store grain in. The refutation of this bit of arrant silliness has been neat and complete. What is not complete is an evaluation of this incident for what it reveals about Carson's fitness to lead a large organization dealing in complex realities and issues.

So called "people of faith" are believed to be favored by the American people as their (our) leaders. And yet none of our great presidents, NOT ONE (if we ignore Woodrow Wilson, the exception who proves the rule), has been what any god fearing holy roller or snake handler would consider much of a man of faith. Specifically not much of a church goer. This is not to say these men have not been spiritual. Perhaps the one good bad president, someone upon whom History may well smile, James Earl Carter, is both a man of faith and a spiritual man? Sadly, he will be leaving us ere long heading for that great Sunday School in the Sky, and at that time a great many of his fellow citizens will recognize, many for the first time, just who he was and how we'll miss him. Anyway, comparisons between Ben Carson and Jimmy Carter are very premature, not to mention invidious. Ben has to get elected before he can have a disastrous presidency...

My topic here is merely Carson's presumed fitness to lead the country, something which 26% of Republicans seem to be in favor of. Since card-carrying Republicans constitute no more than 25% of the votable population, only perhaps 6% of the population (26% of 25%?) believes that BC would make a good president. Better than Trump, say...

Since we know that almost all of the Republican candidates for the 2016 presidential nomination express skepticism about the reality of the global warming phenomenon and reject the "theory" of evolution outright, it shouldn't come as any surprise that one of them also believes that "Joseph" built the pyramids (the work of a thousand years, 2700 BCE to 1700 BCE.) Since Methusalah only lived 960 years and Joseph only 110, he of the many colored pipe dream coat has some 'splainin' to do.  Back to the calculator, Ben.

But let's not get carried away with this beat down of Ben Carson. Our topic is his fitness to be president. Alas, he is clearly not terribly fit. He is not even fit for a mid-level position with Archer Daniels Midland at the Brewster, Iowa silos.

How to explain this in a man so obviously intelligent? Well, a recognized medical/surgical expert who has helped thousands of people to longer lives is still a medical expert and as anyone who knows many doctors knows...they know pretty much everything. Yet there are doubters...Dr. BC is part of a helping profession that recent studies seem to indicate helps the most when it helps least. Can you spell i a t r o g e n i c  ?  I'll bet Dr. Ben can. Perhaps we'll just have to conclude that being intelligent doesn't make you smart.

Anyway, as Carson becomes the front-runner to 6% of the total US population, questions about the survival rate of his patients may reasonably arise as other areas of his judgement and common sense come into serious question. Chappie's theory, PERSONAL theory, is that Carson has confused Memphis, Tennessee with Memphis, Egypt. It's damned easy to do! If one visits the Mississippi River town today, one will see a pyramid that actually could be used to store grain because it in not a dense pile of cut stone. It's called "The Pyramid" locally after it has been called many things in it's failed career to be anything at all. WHY NOT a grain storage facility? The fact that the floor floods occasionally doesn't matter. THE NILE FLOODS 2!!!   Ben Carson is a problem solver, he solves them in his walking sleep!

The (former) Pyramid Arena, Memphis TN (Now a Bass superstore)  1991

The Hostess Twinkie truck parked in the foreground should raise some questions of a nutritional nature. But surely there is some grain product in a Twinkie?  Ben there, done that!

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