Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hillary may BE a Bitch, But Chappie'll be HER Bitch anyday...

Chappie taught English as a Second Language for many years. One persistent misunderstanding he found among his foreign-born students, was the notion that the word "bitch" referred to a prostitute, a purveyor of sex for financial compensation. Thus, son-of-a-bitch meant "son-of-a-whore" instead of "son-of-a-dog." When he tried to explain what it signified to an American woman to be called a "bitch," he explained that it meant that the person using the intended epithet (often another woman) found the woman so-called, to be too strong, too pushy, to vocal in her opinions, or too demanding. Unwilling to be directed by men in particular. Chappie's female  students mainly didn't think this sounded so bad. Neither did the Chapster. In this usage, the object had to be a woman. This matter is misogynistic. Welcome to the USA, 2016.

When a man is called a bitch, the meaning is quite different, almost opposite. It means to be forced to take second place to another, to serve as directed, to be used... as the female in misogynistic traditions is. In prison, the expression to become someone's bitch is not distinguishable in meaning to the notion of "to be punked" by someone: to be reduced to the submissive "female" role, socially or sexually and used as such.

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton denounced the element among Donald Trump's supporters, "a basket of deplorables," whom she would not touch with a ten-foot pole. David Duke would be the poster child for this ilk. The Skin Crawl Squad, they are. Hillary later offered a partial apology for having included half of Trump's supporters in this odious group. She recognized that the accurate figure is probably much smaller, say 10-15%. 

The real point is that those people, a disparate coterie often subsumed under the label "Alt-Right", have a national major party candidate courting them for their votes, a candidate whom they can enthusiastically support for the first time in living memory, if ever. Historically, a politician running for office has been after almost any legal vote, but there are almost certainly some votes with whom one wouldn't want to be associated in any way, secret ballot or no. No longer. Trump has changed the game.

It's not real, but don't you wish it WERE?

Donald Trump pretends to feel quite differently. He claims support from blacks and Muslims and Mexicans, and there are outliers in those groups, lunatics, self-haters or opportunists who seek his goodwill by shilling for him. But no one is fooled by this menagerie. Donald Trump is a prick. He might be a "dick" if his hands were larger and had ever seen a callous, but Donald is the worst kind of pampered prick. A prick is an abuser of others, one who lacks all charity and looks for opportunity in the weakness and tragedy of others, a bottom-feeder. Trump is proud of this, and why shouldn't he be? But for his ability to strip failing businesses of their value, rape their employees dreams and lie his way through the ensuing debacles, he would already have been exposed for what he will eventually be: a failure even as a con man. 

But to continue, a prick is not the opposite of a bitch. The opposite of a bitch is a strong, assertive, self-confident and independent MAN admired by other men and women and feared and disliked by some...but respected... because...he's not a woman. Trumpolini imagines himself one. But there's no particular name for an admirable man. Turn that wholly admirable guy into a woman and...Surprise!--you have a bitch. We should all be bitches.

Hillary, this guy is your bitch all the way...

Friday, September 9, 2016

Where is "Aleppo", Liberal Babbelonians and Clueless Republicans? It's Up Your Collective Ass!

Think you're so damn clever because Presidential candidate Gary Johnson didn't pretend that he knew something that he didn't?  Watch the interview and you'll realize that GJ knows about Syria, he just didn't recognize the name "Aleppo". Guess what, when you meet your first Syrian refugee and ask if she is from Aleppo, she may look at you quizzically and say "HalePA?  Won't you feel the unworthy jackass?

You prefer the arrogant ignoramus who pretends he knows everything and can make it all better ON THE FRST DAY, FOLKS? Make up your mind, Smartypants. People like you (and me) and those we hate (because they are have a lot to answer for the state of uncivilized behavior that we wallow in these days. Phew, I dodged a bullet there...

A conversation, even on TV is not the equivalent of a legal deposition--especially since the press allows Donald Trump to spew nothing but his own "facts" and absurdities every time he opens his mouth. The Johnson interview was not being conducted in an adversarial style as every interview with Trump, by his own windbag choice, is. Johnson was talking like real people used to talk. Thoughtfully considering the questions and trying to give answers that he agreed with. Why didn't Mike Barnicle, the interviewer, react to his lack of recognition of the name of Syria's largest city and the symbol of that nation's ongoing tragedy, after an embarrassed pause, by saying "Syria?" instead of mildly ridiculing him with "You're kidding?" When was the last time someone did that to Donald Trump face to face? 

Mike "Mr. Mesopotamia" Barnicle

Hey, Mike, if you ever get to interview Trump, ask him what he thinks of the situation in Al Rakka. surely (being an expert) he'll know what Al Rakka is and where it is and what it means...just like you do, right Mike? Libraries full of fat books could be filled with what "worldly" American don't know about everything. 

I didn't put a link explaining Al Rakka cause I know you all don't need it, right?

So, how many people could identify Sara Jevo now? Donald? You? Remember her

  Sara Jevo and her cousins Ruba and Melani

So, joining in the spirit of the day, you internet bullies, no-it-all nasties and smarty pantses, I bid you BYTE ME.

Donald Trump is a Child Molester...That's Right--You Heard It Here

Chappie has it on good authority that Donald Trump has also been implicated in the production of child pornography.  On an industrial scale. In Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. He and Putin actually met under assumed identities at a baby bordello in Minsk. Can you imagine? How do I know? Believe me--I KNOW. Trust me, it's ALL true.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_620_330/image.jpg
What other name is there for it?

You wouldn't believe what this patently evil man is capable of and has actually done, but there are people who do know and who have proof. The truth will come out. Take it from me. Donald Trump has done things to children, very small children, personally--HIMSELF--that would sicken you and likely cause your hair to change color. Or fall out. Trust me--I know what I'm talking about.

Remember when Trump told that mother to get her baby out of the rally?  Why do you think he did that?  Did it ever occur to you that maybe the mother of that baby was trying to shake The Donald down by waving one of his victims UNDER HIS NOSE?And have you seen any image of that mother and baby? No. Nor will you.

So, do we want a child molester named Donald Trump to be the President of the United States?  Some of us do. But not me.The fact that he also does things to small animals...well, THAT I won't talk about. Have you ever seen a photo of Trump anywhere near a small animal or any animal at all? NO. Doesn't that seem just a tiny bit suspicious to you? Actually, I like small animals more than children (the animals don't have needy, obnoxious parents) and--guess what--SO DOES DONALD!

Yeah, OK, so I just heard that somewhere or read it somewhere, but it is very convincing. This is the Internet! Can I prove it? No. Not yet. But the fact is that Trump evicted the residents of a retirement home in the Bronx a few years ago to build a garage for his personal vehicles--I'll bet you hadn't heard about that, had you? Some of those were ice cream vendor vehicles are ones that he used to attract children in NYC parks where he used to sell ice cream disguised as a vendor named "Carrot Creame". Look it up.
Can you see me now? Come closer...

Had enough?  Feeling sick to your stomach? Imagine how I feel--I had to make most of that up.  No, most of it's not true, as far as I know. But watching Trump eat KFC with a knife and fork made me suspicious and I will continue to be. Why should Trump get to be the only one who practices the Big Lie?  And why was he in Minsk?

Monday, September 5, 2016

Chappie Says, Turn Your Backs on Reality--Who Needs IT?

What could that 17 year old girl who shut down the shut down of the 2016 Burning Man have been thinking of?  We may never know. Or care. but perhaps she was looking for help, or a charge for her cell phone or a shower? Or maybe she was looking for some other children to commiserate with?

Quoth the Raven...

Gee, did they have an Amber alert? I thought the whole point of acting like art school pirates was to get edgy…if the edge was nothing more than the grit in their spandex Huggies?  (Don’t ask.)  What is a child doing there?  17?  Hmmm. Perfect for a human sacrifice, no?

Burning Man was cool for the first three years, max. Then it got organized and then regulated and then drowned in assholes.
Paris Hilton making a snow angel at Burning Man

But it is fascinating, I’ll admit.  I know of no finer example of the overwrought struggle of pretentious humanity confronted with the farce of their dreams of personal significance to put their personal creative stamp on a pile of dust. In this case, the dust is not the detritus of their forbears but the desert itself, a place with nothing they would find useful for their survival besides light and air (which few of them would be able to employ in any fashion without the assistance of easy credit), a place with no trace or suggestion of the Civilization that gave rise to all these over-significanced, self-impressed strivers. Yeah, Civilization (having to do with cities.)

Chappie, having led a sheltered life, would dearly love to hear secret audio recordings of the speech, the daily babble, of the participants in this business. The recordings wouldn't have to be secret--few of these people could intentionally produce any examples of language that would impress. One might listen for days to hear any of these spectacularly clad, coiffed and painted revelers say anything that was not characterized by the black-hole banality of their needy “souls” and publicists' instructions.

But with any luck, won’t Rihanna be there with her posse next year?


Were one to imagine a B-movie script grounded on BM, it would commence with an HD drone image of 150 Toyota pick-ups sporting 50 cal. machine guns and a few recoil-less rifles on their lightly armored beds dripping with ammo and manned by 600 flinty-eyed ISIL jihadis wearing “I Burned Burning Man” tee shirts, all in serried ranks issuing at dawn’s early light, at low speed, four abreast from Rattlesnake Canyon in the Jackson Mountains of central Nevada and turning left along the banks of the dusty Quinn River heading for a rendezvous with the sluggishly cavorting spawn of Satan, even at that early hour busying themselves inventing new sins and compound inanities 30 miles away SW on the Playa, all as the shadows of night depart and the far darker night seeking them draws nigh…The film would naturally, in finest filmic grammar explain how ISIL’s minions got into Mormon country in force and full of firepower…and what happened to Paris Hilton...

Working title: IS Paris Burning, Man?

Executive Producer: Melania Trump

Starring Scott Baio (as himself), Kirstie Alley, Jesse Ventura...

Yowsa, Yowsa, YOWSA!