Friday, September 9, 2016

Donald Trump is a Child Molester...That's Right--You Heard It Here

Chappie has it on good authority that Donald Trump has also been implicated in the production of child pornography.  On an industrial scale. In Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. He and Putin actually met under assumed identities at a baby bordello in Minsk. Can you imagine? How do I know? Believe me--I KNOW. Trust me, it's ALL true.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_620_330/image.jpg
What other name is there for it?

You wouldn't believe what this patently evil man is capable of and has actually done, but there are people who do know and who have proof. The truth will come out. Take it from me. Donald Trump has done things to children, very small children, personally--HIMSELF--that would sicken you and likely cause your hair to change color. Or fall out. Trust me--I know what I'm talking about.

Remember when Trump told that mother to get her baby out of the rally?  Why do you think he did that?  Did it ever occur to you that maybe the mother of that baby was trying to shake The Donald down by waving one of his victims UNDER HIS NOSE?And have you seen any image of that mother and baby? No. Nor will you.

So, do we want a child molester named Donald Trump to be the President of the United States?  Some of us do. But not me.The fact that he also does things to small animals...well, THAT I won't talk about. Have you ever seen a photo of Trump anywhere near a small animal or any animal at all? NO. Doesn't that seem just a tiny bit suspicious to you? Actually, I like small animals more than children (the animals don't have needy, obnoxious parents) and--guess what--SO DOES DONALD!

Yeah, OK, so I just heard that somewhere or read it somewhere, but it is very convincing. This is the Internet! Can I prove it? No. Not yet. But the fact is that Trump evicted the residents of a retirement home in the Bronx a few years ago to build a garage for his personal vehicles--I'll bet you hadn't heard about that, had you? Some of those were ice cream vendor vehicles are ones that he used to attract children in NYC parks where he used to sell ice cream disguised as a vendor named "Carrot Creame". Look it up.
Can you see me now? Come closer...

Had enough?  Feeling sick to your stomach? Imagine how I feel--I had to make most of that up.  No, most of it's not true, as far as I know. But watching Trump eat KFC with a knife and fork made me suspicious and I will continue to be. Why should Trump get to be the only one who practices the Big Lie?  And why was he in Minsk?

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