Friday, September 9, 2016

Where is "Aleppo", Liberal Babbelonians and Clueless Republicans? It's Up Your Collective Ass!

Think you're so damn clever because Presidential candidate Gary Johnson didn't pretend that he knew something that he didn't?  Watch the interview and you'll realize that GJ knows about Syria, he just didn't recognize the name "Aleppo". Guess what, when you meet your first Syrian refugee and ask if she is from Aleppo, she may look at you quizzically and say "HalePA?  Won't you feel the unworthy jackass?

You prefer the arrogant ignoramus who pretends he knows everything and can make it all better ON THE FRST DAY, FOLKS? Make up your mind, Smartypants. People like you (and me) and those we hate (because they are have a lot to answer for the state of uncivilized behavior that we wallow in these days. Phew, I dodged a bullet there...

A conversation, even on TV is not the equivalent of a legal deposition--especially since the press allows Donald Trump to spew nothing but his own "facts" and absurdities every time he opens his mouth. The Johnson interview was not being conducted in an adversarial style as every interview with Trump, by his own windbag choice, is. Johnson was talking like real people used to talk. Thoughtfully considering the questions and trying to give answers that he agreed with. Why didn't Mike Barnicle, the interviewer, react to his lack of recognition of the name of Syria's largest city and the symbol of that nation's ongoing tragedy, after an embarrassed pause, by saying "Syria?" instead of mildly ridiculing him with "You're kidding?" When was the last time someone did that to Donald Trump face to face? 

Mike "Mr. Mesopotamia" Barnicle

Hey, Mike, if you ever get to interview Trump, ask him what he thinks of the situation in Al Rakka. surely (being an expert) he'll know what Al Rakka is and where it is and what it means...just like you do, right Mike? Libraries full of fat books could be filled with what "worldly" American don't know about everything. 

I didn't put a link explaining Al Rakka cause I know you all don't need it, right?

So, how many people could identify Sara Jevo now? Donald? You? Remember her

  Sara Jevo and her cousins Ruba and Melani

So, joining in the spirit of the day, you internet bullies, no-it-all nasties and smarty pantses, I bid you BYTE ME.

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