Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hillary may BE a Bitch, But Chappie'll be HER Bitch anyday...

Chappie taught English as a Second Language for many years. One persistent misunderstanding he found among his foreign-born students, was the notion that the word "bitch" referred to a prostitute, a purveyor of sex for financial compensation. Thus, son-of-a-bitch meant "son-of-a-whore" instead of "son-of-a-dog." When he tried to explain what it signified to an American woman to be called a "bitch," he explained that it meant that the person using the intended epithet (often another woman) found the woman so-called, to be too strong, too pushy, to vocal in her opinions, or too demanding. Unwilling to be directed by men in particular. Chappie's female  students mainly didn't think this sounded so bad. Neither did the Chapster. In this usage, the object had to be a woman. This matter is misogynistic. Welcome to the USA, 2016.

When a man is called a bitch, the meaning is quite different, almost opposite. It means to be forced to take second place to another, to serve as directed, to be used... as the female in misogynistic traditions is. In prison, the expression to become someone's bitch is not distinguishable in meaning to the notion of "to be punked" by someone: to be reduced to the submissive "female" role, socially or sexually and used as such.

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton denounced the element among Donald Trump's supporters, "a basket of deplorables," whom she would not touch with a ten-foot pole. David Duke would be the poster child for this ilk. The Skin Crawl Squad, they are. Hillary later offered a partial apology for having included half of Trump's supporters in this odious group. She recognized that the accurate figure is probably much smaller, say 10-15%. 

The real point is that those people, a disparate coterie often subsumed under the label "Alt-Right", have a national major party candidate courting them for their votes, a candidate whom they can enthusiastically support for the first time in living memory, if ever. Historically, a politician running for office has been after almost any legal vote, but there are almost certainly some votes with whom one wouldn't want to be associated in any way, secret ballot or no. No longer. Trump has changed the game.

It's not real, but don't you wish it WERE?

Donald Trump pretends to feel quite differently. He claims support from blacks and Muslims and Mexicans, and there are outliers in those groups, lunatics, self-haters or opportunists who seek his goodwill by shilling for him. But no one is fooled by this menagerie. Donald Trump is a prick. He might be a "dick" if his hands were larger and had ever seen a callous, but Donald is the worst kind of pampered prick. A prick is an abuser of others, one who lacks all charity and looks for opportunity in the weakness and tragedy of others, a bottom-feeder. Trump is proud of this, and why shouldn't he be? But for his ability to strip failing businesses of their value, rape their employees dreams and lie his way through the ensuing debacles, he would already have been exposed for what he will eventually be: a failure even as a con man. 

But to continue, a prick is not the opposite of a bitch. The opposite of a bitch is a strong, assertive, self-confident and independent MAN admired by other men and women and feared and disliked by some...but respected... because...he's not a woman. Trumpolini imagines himself one. But there's no particular name for an admirable man. Turn that wholly admirable guy into a woman and...Surprise!--you have a bitch. We should all be bitches.

Hillary, this guy is your bitch all the way...

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